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Linda Loudermilk is the best. I haven't been to any of her physical stores but I have been buying her clothes at if any one is interested. I am glad I can dress fashionably and still do something to help the planet, or at least use a sustainable socially conscious option.

kimberly Klabel

I just checked out, they have some really great pieces and a few more designers I have wanted to look into. I was really surprised with their collection. Thanks for the tip.

Account Deleted

Firstly very grateful For sharing this well structured article. Truly What George Bernard show says is very very write fashion is induced epidemics. I like this new fanda
Eco-designer for eco-conscious celebrities. I appreciate such celebrities for new concept in fashion designing.

David Neubert

Yes, Linda Loudermilk is innovative, luxurious, and brilliant. Another couture designer I've just come across is Chulette. She makes everything out of eco-friendly materials, with a classic look and relevant styling. Everything is made in NYC! Check out her Neeli Jacket - perfect Fall-weight blazer for business or casual.

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