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Yoga clothes the good gift for mom, that's right.

Yoga Enthusiast

Yoga is a great activity for almost everyone, practically any health condition is fine for yoga classes of your level. The great news is that yoga is also suitable for pregnant women, it really is a great way to stay fit during the whole 9 months period. Great article! Thank you!

Account Deleted

I just happened to come across your blog. Nice posts. I like this one very much. They are more content oriented than the usual ones you find these days. And the best part is the simplicity in your posts and the language you use in them. I have added you to my favorites. And I will continue to pay frequent visits to your blog. Expecting more such quality stuff from you. Carry on !

Account Deleted

Some of these articles have made a caricature of the yoga mama portraying only a tiny tip of the iceberg while missing the enormous impact that this lifestyle trend is creating within our society. The processing, dyeing and finishing of conventional cotton garments often use toxic chemicals to clean and bleach the fabrics, fasten the dyes, and "improve" the qualities of cotton. Part of this balanced lifestyle is acknowledging the right of all people to be paid a fair and just wage for their labors. I have added you to my favorites. And I will continue to pay frequent visits to your blog.

Leslie Anne Love

Thanks so much for the blog post. I wanted to become a yoga teacher so I took a yoga teacher training course. They teach you all the things about yoga, but they don't teach you what to wear! Thanks so much!

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