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I just purchased a goose down comforter with a shell made of a "440-thread-count Tencel Cotton".(no ratios given) It was made in China but I don't know if the individual parts were made in other places and just assembled there or whether every part was also made there. It was under 200.00 (for queen size) and seemed like a steal to me with 40 oz. of goose down fill. My question is regarding the Tencel. Is it as breathable as cotton or will it create the kind of heat non-natural materials generate? Also, you mention piling. Should I be worried about it in this case? And finally, is the weight of Tencel different from that of cotton? Will it add weight to something which inherently one buys for its weightless properties? Thank you in advance for any imput on these questions.


Hi, Antiqua
Thanks for your comments. Because Tencel / lyocell are made of regenerated cellulose, many of the properties such as breathability and water wicking are similar to cotton. You shouldn't notice any difference in a comforter unless the manufacturer has added fabric finishers ... which unfortunately happens often in fabrics manufactured in China. You might need to launder the comforter before using or if you notice any uncomfortable odors. Tencel has been improved recently to reduce piling so hopefully that will not be a problem, especially in a blend with cotton. Good luck and we hope you enjoy your new comforter.

thank you for posting this article on lyocell. it was very informative. I design an eco clothing line, currently using rayon of bamboo. It seems that there's always one issue or another with some eco friendly fabrics. However, it is important be informed, on order to maintain eco integrity.

Keep up the good work!!!


Thank you for the information. That explains why I can wear tencel but absolutely can't wear rayon. Do I understand correctly that the feel is different depending on the processing and if it feels like the tencel dress that I have it should also be okay for me? I am also allergic to petroleum products from nylon to plastic which is making life somewhat unfun. Clothing except for underwear is easier than glasses, steering wheels and laminated floors and linoleum. Do you know if they give off chemicals or something in the air as well?

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How to choose an organic fabric? Well, the most used organic fabric for designing clothes and furniture is organic cotton. Of course, the process of producing organic cotton is totally natural and pesticide-free. Still, organic cotton is not totally natural. The thing is when the organic cotton is produced, to make that beautiful colors and patterns on fabric, organic cotton must be dyed. Colors used for dying organic cotton fabric can be more or less eco-friendly, but never totally natural and harmless. If you decided to get organic cotton fabric then make sure to ask for organic fabric which is dyed with more eco-friendly colors. Sure, if you don't like that idea you can get non-colored, natural cotton fabric.


Will lyocell naturally biodegrade like cotton and wool, or do the chemical processing agents change it into something that will stick around forever, like polyester? My main environmental interest in on the disposal/recycling side, so I'm curious whether these fabrics behave more like natural fibers or synthetics.

Erin Elizabeth

Thank you! Dr. Mercola and I only use organic cotton (or bamboo) as sheets and will never use Lyocell again :)



Hi everyone!We “baoding swan fiber co.,ltd.”is a “lyocell fiber”manufacturer and supplier in China, if you are interested in this fiber, pls contact me. my mobile 0086 13703328200, my email [email protected]

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