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Unfortunately, a fairtrade mark on clothing does not necessarily guarantee conditions in factories, hence the announcement of a British fairtrade marked product in Marks and Spencers muddies the water rather than clarifies.

See this link for more discussion about this point:

LBH is a respected British NGO.

Our t-shirts are made of organic cotton from Turkey - where farmers are 'not marginalised enough' to meet the fairtrade standards and in good factories - as yet uncertified as there is no fairtrade standard for clothing.

Anyone else got a headache?



Joe, you are totally right and you make an excellent point. Because standards and certification for "organic" and "Fair Trade" as they pertain to clothing are still developing, the labels might not be completely accurate ... at least in the U.S. Many thanks for pointing us to Labour Behind the Label (for the UK) and the Clean Clothes Campaign (in the US).


Claudia Almandoz

I am SO happy to have found you guys! Seriousely. I have a blog of my own, it´s a bilingual blog where I post my sewing projects amoung other things. A great part of what moves me to blog about what I blog are things like helping create consciouseness (BAD spelling, i think) about the world we live in, Sweat Shops, MSG, Lead in Children´s toys, and all. I loved this article and would love to see people in latin america reading things like this. Would you guys be open to being published (and linked back to) on someone elses blog and in another language? I hope so! Greetings from mexico! Claudia

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