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It is a nice idea, I visited a shop at cochin and purchased some clothes. very nice. The shop is "Ayurvastra Concepts" in Jews streat near synagogue. and their url is


Nagaraja M

nice to know about ayu cloths,
i just read through this blog,
its really "Good work".as per my openions,Ayurvedic clothings & Yoga-wears should bemade outof Organically grown cotton/hemp/bamboo/silk with Natural/herbal dyed. then itwill be completed.
Organic= Jaivik OR Sathwa / sathva.
Ayu=life(Ayu came from the word-Ayassu.
Veda = Knowledge
(Ayurveda = the art of healthy living is called ayurveda.It includes - phisiotheraphy, intaking,AS well as Dress /"Wearing". so Dress/ wearing is very important. I am very happy to know more about it.
thanking you,
+91 9449517398.
Email- [email protected],

T.Kumar creative software

I visitied the handloom weavers society in balaramapuram with my client Mr Sujeev a leading textile manufaturer for doing a website for him , i was amazed to see the advantage of the ayurvastra , the process of dyeing was done natural herbs , i have tested the ayurvastra , healing cloth it is very cool and give nice sleep ....good Job Handloom Weavers Society Members , Balaramapuram and Sujeev
Please vist my client site or send mail to me at [email protected]



Thank you for the article. I too was amazed with the age old tradition of Ayurvastra or herb Infused clothing and it's benefits. I decided to use my designing experience and share the Indian tradition right here in America. A.d.o clothing features herb infused organic clothing like tank top, long sleeve top, wrap top, hoody, embroidered top and easy pants. Check it out at:

To Healthy Living.

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this is a great information. please visit & check the information here too:

Veronica Lin

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Nice post.I'm happy to know more about it.This is the first time i know about it..
thank you

this my site

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The initiative taken for the concern is very serious and need an attention of every one. This is the concern which exists in the society and needs to be eliminated from the society as soon as possible. I like this particular article. It gives me an additional input on the information around the world Thanks a lot and keep going with posting such information.
Fashion News

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Plant extracts and other minerals have been used for their medicinal properties throughout the ages and modern science had established links between traditional herbalism and the preparation of synthetic medication. Here good to hear about herbal cloth. I too was amazed with the age old tradition of Ayurvastra or herb Infused clothing and its benefits. Nice to see your post.

Account Deleted

Thanks for this great information, can please provide me Mr.Rajan personal or shop phone no

Hoping for postive replay

Thanks in advance


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i have found ayurvasthra wesite

thanks for this blog owners

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