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No one really thinks about their clothing as something that is hurting the enviroment. It's very true though when you look at it the way you have- the extra money to buy the organic clothing would actually mean your clothes would last longer & you wouldn't have to throw them away after one month's use. Lot's of young teens care only about looking cute in the latest trend, they don't think that throwing out their 1 month old polyester shirt is going to harm anything. But thats what we definately need to get out to the public. I think what Diesel is doing helps out somewhat but it's not going to make all teens want to go out and buy the organic clothing.


I’m posting this comment to as many applicable blogs as I can to see if we can get somewhere with this – or maybe someone has already gotten to work on this idea (if so, let me know).
With the news recently about apparel sales being sluggish due to the lack of a need for seasonal apparel due to climate change/global warming, PLUS a story I heard on NPR recently about Japan setting regulations on what thermostats could be set at in govt. bldgs. & encouraging all businesses to raise the setting in the summer and lower in winter (they had to convince businessmen it was OK not to wear suits in the summer, etc.) – I think this is an opportunity for the apparel industry to accomplish two things in one cause. The cause being just what was done in Japan – regulate those thermostats in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. The first thing we’d accomplish is helping the environment – even if it’s a tiny amount. The second thing is that apparel sales may benefit from such a move (and we might even be more comfortable at work!). Especially in the summertime – I hate keeping a sweater in my office because I’ve dressed appropriately for the 90+ degree weather outside but it’s freezing in my building.
In my little bit of research, it looks like some states are taking the move towards this already, but not aggressively. I’ve just set up a page specifically for this:


Thank you for this great information. I'm always glad to here when companies are making positive marketing decisions that inform the public of global issues.


I think we all should be wearing something that is made from organic or a renewable resources if we all start it will trend to the rest of the country so what are you wearing?


I recently purchased an organic cotton sheet, made in the U.S. (I did this because the last two sheets mfd. in China and Pakistan had awful odors that I could not wash out.)

I discovered (much to my chagrin after washing the sheet three times and sunning it outside for two afternoons) that organic cotton has tanins--or dust--which I am allergic to!

So, I am back searching for a pima cotton non-organic, made in Europe or the US. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to post them. I am down to one sheet!


LM McWilliams

Methane production by livestock

The depth and breadth of information on this site is considerable - and appreciated. But let's look a little closer at the methane production issue of ruminant livestock like sheep, goats, alpacas, etc.

The total number of ruminant animals may - in some areas of the world - have shifted toward domestic rather than non-domestic species, but has not increased.

Ruminants on diets that include significant amounts of grain produce more methane than those on forages, such as pasture and hay. The measurement of methane production of ruminants on an unnatural diet and extrapolating that figure to all domestic ruminants, as was done, is inaccurate. Even in first world countries, little or no grain is fed to most fiber bearing livestock, reducing the methane production per head, AND the amount of fossil fuels that would otherwise be used in current industrial agriculture methods to grow and transport grain.

Grazing livestock provides a sustainable living to people in many parts of the world where growing food crops is limited or impossible. Proper management of grazing livestock mimics the eco niche ruminants occupy in natural ecosystems.

When properly managed, grazing livestock increases soil fertility and biodiversity of grazing lands. Minimal labor and no fossil fuels or agriculture chemicals are required.

On our own farm, we produce alpaca fiber using no agricultural chemicals. Good herd management has reduced the need for veterinary pharmicudicals to nearly zero. The land, depleted by unsustainable industrial agricultural practices, has gained in fertility and production capacity each year, without the use of any herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers.

It can be done.

Chris Mastaler

I have a new all-natural eco-green website.
I plan on filling my site with all-natural apparel and other eco friendly 'earth-saving' advertisers....or manufacturers/distributors.
I cannot believe how insensitive and uninformed people are about the ruination of our beautiful earth....they don't even seem to care.
I guess it's up to us to educate them. I also do 'blogs' on my site as well.

My site?

Thanks, Chris M., Pinehurst, NC

P.S. The information on your site is the very best I've ever read!! Many kudos...and, keep up the good work!!!!

Account Deleted

Recent advice on how to deal with the recession, cheers! I am finding it very useful. I also found some good advice in an article on selling in a downturn.

Eva Lira

I think that we should recycle as much as possible and make a green choice every opportunity!

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