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Could you please provide links or references for the statistics you have quoted on the incidences of poisoning from pesticides?

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Is PIMA Cotton always organic?

Thanks and regards


Hi, Tissy

Pima Cotton is a very high quality type of cotton grown in the southwest U.S. and is characterized by its long fiber. Pima cotton plants produce a superior cotton fabric that is soft but dense and absorbent making it ideal for towels and bedding. Because pima cotton is just a type of cotton plant, it can be grown organically or with conventional chemical fertilizers and toxic insecticides and herbicides. Just because a fabric says that it is pima cotton does not mean that it is organic. You will have to look at the label closely to determine if the pima cotton is also declared to be organic.

Hope that this helps. All the best and enjoy.


Hola me llamo Marisa y soy de España. Llevo mucho tiempo buscando un productor de algodón orgánico y de comercio justo para comprarle directamente pero me resulta imposible porque encuentro de comercio justo u orgánico, pero no las dos cosas. ¿me podeis ayudar? Gracias y perdón por los problemas en mi vocabulario.

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