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« Eco-Jewelry: Green Sustainable Gold & Ethical Diamonds | Main | Dreaming of a Green Wedding »



Thank you for your very positive comments about Ananya Studio! It is very encouraging to receive such praise for our jewelry. We hope that with greater exposure we can help bring greater change to more lives. Thanks for spreading the word about green and ethical living!!


Great site you have here!!!
Wow great post you have here also, its very informative!!


If you are into green jewelry and eco-friendly clothing, you should def check out Artful Wears at Share the love, save the planet!


If anyone has discovered a brand of bed sheet that works for people who are allergic to dust (organic cotton is too dusty), the information would be greatly appreciated!

Gilroy Fernandez

I'm in Houston, Texas and were looking for green conflict free ring for my fiancee and found two local companies in Texas. Green Karat and Green ORO, i went to their respective websites i.e and I found the prices on Green ORO much more reasonable then Green Karat. I save over $ 500 by buying from Green ORO as they are the direct manufacturers of Green Jewelry.

Few things i found and personally visited:
Pros and Cons:
Green Karat
1) Pros:
Green Karat: been in business and internet for long years
1) Higher Prices
2) No In house retail showroom or store
3) Green Karat ETA time is much more then Green ORO
4) Don't offer high end created diamond settings or jewelry repairs
5) No Physical Location to visit , everything is Online
Green ORO:
1) Reasonable and Cheaper Prices then Green Karat
2) Direct Manufacturer and willing to work with you on Custom Jewelry
3) Repairs are much faster on all green jewelry
4) no outsourcing to any middle man , everything is done within their showroom and have work labs
5) ORO Certificate of Authenticity to Back 100% recycled gold and process.
6) One Tree & One Ring at a Time - i really love this concept as they will put one tree towards the purchase i made. Highly impressed with their unique concept.
7) ETA is much less then Green Karat
8) You can visit their physical Location and Showroom and can see the Green Process

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Global warming had really changed our way of life. It is amazing how we arrive at sustainable concepts and applied it even on the fashion arena.
The best thing about patronizing green jewelry and clothing is that I can be as fashionable as I want to be while contributing to saving the planet Earth movement. Brilliant.

You can also read interesting Australian Fashion Designers review at

Nigel Plant

Check my site

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Great written article will be waiting for your future posts.
Thank you for sharing.

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